November 2020

Farmers Market Stakeholders Association Meeting Minutes

Meeting Information


November 10, 2020


Virtual Meeting


6:00 PM

Directors In Attendance

  • Lawrence Sweeney
  • Ivy Sweeney
  • Mark Ruibal

Others In Attendance

  • Johnny Garcia, Elizabeth Keeler, David Woody, Albert Sanchez, Lauren Davis, Noll Saunders, Laura Browning


  1. DPD Representation and Code Enforcement – Johnny Garcia
    1. Officer Daniel Navarrez was promoted to Sgt., so he will no longer be our DPD liaison.  His replacement for the Farmers Market has not yet been filled
    2. We are asked to call in service requests for situations – Ninfi Lopez is our code officer now, phone number 469-515-1132
    3. Graffiti is still being addressed – groups of people are gathering and doing vandalism – they are working on cleaning it up, painting over it all
    4. Homeless debris being addressed with clean up crews
    5. Laura Brown was introduced – she was Navarrez’s supervisor (administrative role) – she will have his replacement for us soon
    6. CBD is doing homeless sweeps; there has been aggressive panhandling around Palmieri; Laura Brown should be notified on any panhandling issues, she can get additional officer and bike cops out to the Market
    7. There have been no spikes in crime
    8. Albert Sanchez mentioned some shootings downtown, they are working with Sgt. Browning to get downtown building information; there was an officer-involved fatal shooting, John Fortune and Chief Castro to talk about attention to downtown, they recommend having patrol vehicles with cruise lights on, it has made a significant improvement in safety downtown
  2. Homeless Assistance – Lauren Davis
    1. The month of October was the most successful – 18 people were put in service recovery program homes (putting them with support systems/family)
    2. They connected over 40 people with services; Samantha and Anthony give their all in service
    3. 5 people were removed off the street yesterday; every day its getting better connecting people to resources
    4. There has been some increase of people from evacuations, but nothing alarming
  3. Homeless Situations – David Woody
    1. Space is an issue; Covid has hurt the shelters, they are full every night. Temperatures are being taken, hand sanitizers provided by DDI; Dallas Fire & Rescue is on property, the burgeoning homeless response system is an issue
    2. Street feeding is an issue – it’s not helpful for health, cleanliness, many reasons; Tanya Reagan has reached out to them about meals being given out at the Stewpot, suggests they feed from the parking lot to get it off the street; it also helps the traffic on St Paul/Browder/Corsicana streets
    3. They are working with Phillip on building spiritual leadership with the homeless, is helpful to the community
    4. The Bridge was tagged after the election; the City was quick to paint over it
    5. Their trash has been getting emptied more quickly thanks to the City
    6. We can help by finding hotspots or individuals creating problems and getting that information to the Office of Homeless Solutions
  4. 2021 Board of Directors – Lawrence Sweeney
    1. We are looking for volunteers for the 2021 Board
  5. Meeting adjourned at 6:35