January 2019

Farmers Market Stakeholders Association Meeting Minutes

Meeting Information


January 8, 2019


The Market


6:00 PM

Directors In Attendance

  • Mike Sanchez
  • Ivy Sweeney
  • Beau Bellomy
  • Matt Vermillion


  1. Crime Stats – Officer Bo went over recent stats and discussed B Citations (quality of life citations) that are being given, and encouraged the use of the Nextdoor app.  Bo will be replaced with new DPD office 2/20/19
  2. Crosswalk at Pearl/Marilla intersection
    1. No turn lane an issue
    2. Studies were proposed by new Police rep; Mike indicated 5 have been done and we have asked for crosswalks and lights
    3. All are encouraged to email Adam Medrano’s office requesting action
  3. Mike’s activity as President this past year – interpretations of the Bylaws and parliamentary procedures issues, and lack of support/assistance from the Board
    1. Delegation of duties was proposed
    2. Mike asked for motion to extend voting of officers to February; Lawrence motioned, and Paul seconded
  4. Monthly meetings
    1. Vendor (Paul Gray) proposed changing monthly meetings to 6 pm on Sundays instead of 2nd Tuesday – it’s more convenient for vendors – he encourages vendor attendance, not delegating someone to attend on their behalf
  5. Upcoming Events/Other
    1. Susan Armanovs announced the TX wine and cheese event on 1/19/19
    2. Lori Davis was in attendance – she is the go-to for all Shed issues
  6. Meeting adjourned at 7:10 pm