March 2021

Farmers Market Stakeholders Association Meeting Minutes

Meeting Information


March 9, 2021


Virtual Meeting


6:00 PM

In Attendance

  • Lawrence Sweeney; Ivy Sweeney; Rob Robinson; Johnny Garcia; Gail Crawford; Nick Colletti; Albert Sanchez; Rico Roberts; Shawn Hejke; Willard’s ipad


  1. Code compliance -Johnny Garcia –
    1. They’ve had no code issues in our area lately
    2. They are focusing on graffiti and working closely with the abatement team for swift action
    3. They are working with NPO officers Hejke and the downtown area team on security
    4. They are encouraging face masks and keeping with the laws – business owners enforce the masks rules for their patrons; code enforcement doesn’t have the ability to enforce that.
    5. For construction issues, major renovations, etc. – contact code enforcement for approval
  2. Crime stats -Officer Shawn Hejke –
    1. Offenses are down compared to last year; graffiti is up
    2. Lieutenant Connolly with the CBD taskforce handles the tagging around downtown
    3. Homeless issues/living conditions is a work in progress
    4. Solar powered camera trailers are being used for criminal mischief and speeders; you can pull video within 14 days, after 14 days it goes away; no citations are issued from the video footage, it’s for intelligence gathering (car type, color, plates, etc)
    5. Re the upcoming George Floyd trial, unrest related to the verdict, DPD is taking precautions, monitoring social media, response teams are in place, etc.
  3. Update on the DFM-Lisa Ferri-
    1. Mask mandate will remain in effect
    2. DFM met with DDI regarding safety -DDI safety will cover the DFM
    3. Wednesday, St. Patrick’s Day, is the Pearl Street Eats from 6-9pm
    4. Friday 19th is Market Artisan products
    5. June 1st Industrious ( office sharing) is opening in the Taylor Lofts building
    6. Former Mudhen/Hurdy Gurdy space is getting a new tenant, to be announced soon
    7. Former Cajun Tailgators space is getting a new sushi restaurant
  4. Website – Lawrence Sweeney –
    1. Several attempts have been made for someone to handle the website, we’re behind on it; it’s a WordPress/GoDaddy platform and we use the Square payment system; the storefront that was set up didn’t make sense. Nick Colletti may know a tech person and will get back to us.
  1. DDI Security and Clean Team update – Albert Sanchez –
    1. Their outreach professionals have had consistent successes, they assisted 6 people getting off the street this month
    2. Growing homeless encampments are a concern – Camp Rhonda chose Pioneer Park as a mini-zone, politically driven (Camp Rhonda is a vacant lot of homeless, and Pioneer Park is a city park which has now been put on DPD’s radar due to some
    3. 60-70 people being out there with uhauls, matching expensive tents, etc. = coordinated efforts); notices have been issued regarding litter and the clean team is working on enforcement of that; homeless tents have also been popping up around confederate monuments = coordinated efforts
    4. They are focusing on graffiti with DPD; they have 2 officers in an unmarked van identifying taggers, with 2 officers hired to be on standby; Lisa Ferri provided a map with areas of issue so clean team can help
  2. Security stats – Rico Roberts – the stats are down because of the winter storm shutting down things happening
  3. Meeting adjourned at 6:40 pm.