August 2022

Farmers Market Stakeholders Association Meeting Minutes

Meeting Information


August 16, 2022


Rex’s Seafood Market


6:00 PM

Directors In Attendance


  1. Meeting was started at 6:10 by President Charles Dicks, with 32 people in attendance
  2. We were given a police report stating that violent crime was down 66%, burglary down 62%. There were 17 graffiti cases in the last 30 days. For details we can email
  3. Officer García also recommended downloading the Our Dallas app for any reports.
  4. Austin Street Center reported that their food donation program feeds up to 500 people a day
  5. Lisa Ritchie from the “Preservation Dallas committee” gave us updates about the building on 210 S. Harwood. In the proposal submitted in 2018 it was found that it broke rules and the Landmark commission denied it unanimously. There will be more discussion about it in the following months.
  6. There is a new bond for projects by the city of Dallas worth 1.4 billion.
  7. President Charles Dicks talked about the World Cup and he encouraged people in attendance to submit ideas about projects or festivities that could be hosted in the farmers market.
  8. Meeting was adjourned at 6:58pm